
Office of Mission


February 25, 2019


Our mission at Cotter Schools is to challenge every student to develop his/her full potential; to encourage and support our students as they live the values of faith, service and community. We strive to form leaders within our school community who lead with respect, integrity and compassion.


If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but for those of others.

 (Philippians 2:1-4)



Let us pray for the grace this week to avoid selfishness and lead with humility.



St. Joseph, patron of Cotter Schools - pray for us.

Live, Jesus, in our hearts - forever.


Blessings on your day!  


Be Kind - Help Others - Be Caring - Listen 

Be Organized -  Be a Leader - Communicate 

Cooperate - Show Pride - Be Prepared - Love Learning 

Be Self-Reliant - Collaborate - Persevere - Go Beyond





  Cotter Schools is a private, independent, coeducational school in Winona, Minnesota

  that has been guided by Catholic beliefs and values since 1911.


  As an international learning community, serving grades 7-12, we hold our students to the highest academic standards and challenge each of them to develop their full potential academically, physically, spiritually and socially.


  We believe in the intrinsic goodness of all persons, and strive to model the values of

  faith, service, and community as we encourage and support our students

to become more than they can imagine.



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