Board Nominations
Cotter Schools is an amazing learning community of faith and excellence for young persons in grades K-12. With almost 1,000 students from our local Winona area and around the world, Cotter Schools offer students a challenging curriculum in a faith-based culture of respect and dignity. The Cotter Board of Directors has a primary responsibility to maintain the standards, direction and mission of the school. No work could be more important.
The Cotter Board of Directors is a governing board with full authority to direct the mission of the school. It currently consists of ten (10) at-large members, three (3) voting ex-officio members who are the Pastors from the local Winona parishes and one (1) non-voting ex-officio member who is appointed as the President of Cotter Schools. The stated purpose of the Board is described by the Bylaws:
The Board of Directors shall manage and govern the affairs of the Corporation; exercise its power and control its property; determine compliance with the Corporation’s stated purpose; appoint, delegate, or elect Corporate Officers; and have the power and authority to do and perform all acts or functions that are consistent with the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws.
The Directors are a voluntary board and are self-perpetuating. Directors serve three-year terms, renewable once. The Board meets at least four times a year, and each Director serves on or chairs a standing committee. Other community members serve on the standing committees as well, and often move on to become full Board members.
Periodically the Board is looking for potential Board members. The forms provide a brief role description of the position and a nomination form. Anyone may nominate themselves or another person whom they see as a good candidate. Please consider nominating yourself or someone else after asking their permission.
Cotter Schools has been richly blessed by God and others. May the work and service of our Board of Directors steward those blessings to fullness.