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Campus Ministry

The purpose of Campus Ministry is to empower students to be disciples of Jesus Christ in the world today, to draw students to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community, and to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person. (Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry.)  

Service is a part of who we are as a Catholic school community here at Cotter. We are each called to serve the marginalized, the forgotten, the refugee, and the lost. Therefore, service is an expectation of all of our students, faculty, and staff at Cotter. 

Students should log in to Helper Helper to sign up for volunteer opportunities and to track past service hours. Helper Helper can be accessed from a computer, iPhone or Android using Cotter login credentials. We suggest downloading the app for convenience and ease of use, although it is not necessary.

Log in to Helper Helper using the following steps:

  1. Sit down with your Cotter student

  2. Go to:

  3. Log in using the student’s Cotter email address and password.

Shortcuts in Helper Helper:

  • To sign up for volunteer opportunities, Click on “Find Opportunities” 

  • To view Service ideas, Click on “Ongoing Opportunities

  • To track past service hours, Click on “Add a Past Commitment

  • To see total service hours, click on “See Stats & Goals

  • To see upcoming opportunities for which you have signed up for or past hours that have been validated, Click on “My Commitments

  • To request a Service Record, click “See Stats & Goals”. Then click on “Service Record.”

  • To see the Cotter Service Requirements, click on “Home” and scroll down.

Summer 2024 Service Trip to Jerusalem Farm

Monthly Mission Messages

New Cotter logo

Liturgy & Prayer

Rooted in our Catholic tradition, liturgy and prayer are foundational to life at Cotter Schools. We gather regularly for prayer and the Celebration of the Eucharist in order to deepen our relationship with God and strengthen our bonds as a community of faith. 

National Catholic Youth Conference

Contact Us

Marisa Corcoran

Marisa Corcoran

Director of Campus Ministry, Religion Teacher
Michael Churchill

Michael Churchill

Mike Hagarty

Mike Hagarty

Campus Ministry/ Academic Advising
Gary Meyerl

Gary Meyerl

Director of Mission Integration