Who are Cotter Students?

"Cotter students are motivated to learn and willing to push themselves"- Sister Judith Schaefer, President of Cotter Schools

Martha Serafin-Creaghe

“Martha and the word respect go hand-in-hand with each other. She is respectful of her teachers, her peers, as well as her property and the items that belong to the school.” 

Madeline Lemmer

Teachers nominated Maddie as Rambler of the Month because she is not only respectful in class, but also in the hallways, at sporting events, etc. She works hard to incorporate the values of Cotter into her life.

Elise Modjeski

"She treats all of her classmates with respect and patience...she exhibits respect for learning in her attention and efforts in class, which serve as excellent examples to her peers.”

Lauren Wojciechowski Grade 6

"Lauren actively and willingly participates on a regular basis in her classes and is an excellent example of graciousness and appreciation. A true Winona Cotter Rambler."


"Kellen is a kind respectful person even when no one is watching. He is a very hard-working student who works well with any partner. He is a great teammate who is inclusive and inviting to any students."


"Roberto is a very positive member of the classroom. He obviously enjoys learning; he asks great questions and listens to others. Very respectful ALWAYS and works well with ALL other students, not just international. He's a great bridge between dorm and local kids."


"John is soft-spoken yet firm, and respects his classmates and teacher no matter the topic we cover in class. He is understanding towards the needs of the staff and the needs of the class, standing up to demand respect for his teachers."

Drew Donnenwerth (5th Grade)

"Drew is a wonderful example of a student who is strong in his faith. You can see that his faith and prayer is important to him at school and at home. He is always quick to apologize to others and to right any wrongs. He enjoys learning about his faith during religion classes!"

Julia Johnson (7th Grade)

"Julia models inclusivity every day in class. She is always sure to include peers in group work and prayerful intentions. She treats all members of the classroom community with respect. The classroom is a more welcoming space as a result of her efforts."

What do Cotter Students do after graduation?

Four-year university, technical college, GAP year?

Read more about our graduates and what they have planned for the future.  

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